Tuesday 8 July 2008

'UFOs' spotted in Cheam


Residents have been left baffled after witnessing "creepy" lights circle above their homes for hours last night.

Barbara Goatham, 51, of Colborne Way, North Cheam, was first alerted to the odd lights hovering above her house by her husband and son.

"My son and husband came in from the pub at 11.30pm and told me to have a look," she said. "My son's a bit of a drama queen but my husband is very straight down the line so I went to have a look.

"There were three or four green orbs. It was like the Northen Lights but with precision. They would move together and converge and were individuals because they were moving themselves.

"It was awe inspiring - my mouth was hanging open. My first thought was that it was a Northen Lights phenomenon but the movements were so precise.

"They were very creepy and there wasn't a sound. I got the creeps and came back in and shut the curtains.

"I'm not a drinker, it was definitely there," she added.

Hundreds of residents were left puzzled last summer when Chinese lanterns were released in West Ewell at a wedding reception. The wind carried the orange glowing lights for miles, with some travelling as far as Worcester Park and Epsom.

Did you see the lights last night? Leave your comments below and email any photos to amoon@london.newsquest.co.uk

1 comment:

iamcoolyes said...

Im 17 years old and not a crazy person...
In November 2008 - Just as it was getting really dark on a cloudy day, in a break in the clouds I saw a large black aircraft fly over the Prettygate area at about 50-200+mph. The aircraft was huge - about the size of a boeing 747 plane with a large wing span and it flew in complete silence. It was very well camoflaged to the night sky but still noticable. There were NO LIGHTS.
The aircraft flew very low in the clouds possibly for camoflauge.

I have looked on Google and searched for silent aircrafts. The one that i had seen was identical in design to the one shown in an article from 2005 about plans to develop it.

I then found this website:
The Gloucestershire UFO website -
http://www.ufos-aliens.co.uk/ufowave.htm and again the aircraft is almost identical to the one I had seen.